Reasons for a tax increase: For a complete description of the Town Council’s discussion concerning the proposed tax increase, you can read the council’s meeting minutes dated June 4, 2024. Minutes are found on the Public Notice Website.  The Public Notice Website can be accessed on the Town’s website under the “Government” tab at the top of the home page and then click on “Agendas & Minutes.” On the bottom of that page you can “Browse for Notices” by locating Clarkston under “Municipality.”

HELP – Community Involvment Needed!

Hi all,

We have received word that a private landowner is trying to close public access to several of the trails to the west of Clarkston, including Winter Canyon, Elbow Canyon, Green Canyon, and Old Canyon. The county is planning on fighting to keep these trails open and we will need evidence of public use. If you have used any of these trails or know others who have, please let us know. We need proof, like pictures, that these trails are regularly and consistently used by the public to access the state and federal lands around Gunsight Peak. If you have pictures or testimonials that you are willing to share, please send them to me or Landis ([email protected]).

Emily Fletcher (she/they)
Assistant Trails Planner

Cache County Development Services
(435) 755-1661
179 North Main, Suite 305
Logan, Ut 84321